About Marilyn
Marilyn Macha is a visionary for financial awareness, wisdom and freedom. She became a number one best-selling author for her book Real Wealth Revealed/Awake in 2014 and is the CEO of Marilyn Macha Consulting, a corporate service business, dedicated to coaching, consulting and training executives of the financial services industry and already successful entrepreneurs to go beyond their current level of success.
Marilyn J. Macha is a corporate consultant and executive coach who specializes in customized strategies to move leaders to a new level of aliveness and success. She teaches, through her own experiences and extensive training, the Art of Success through the Science of Fulfillment.
Marilyn and her company were acknowledged in FORBES as one of Houston's "top financial experts."
Marilyn Macha, founder and former President of Houston Wealth Strategies, Houston, Texas, is a visionary for financial awareness, wisdom and freedom. She has been supporting her clients through visionary work for 30 years by helping people design investment portfolios specifically aligned with the individuals’ goals and dreams. This experience guided her into supporting individuals, desiring a life of prosperity and contribution, through coaching and corporate consulting.
Marilyn was recognized every year from 2007-2013, when she sold her investment firm, in Texas Monthly Magazine as one of the top service oriented financial advisors in Houston. She was also acknowledged in the Forbes Magazine, May 10, 2010 Texas subscription edition, as one of Houston’s “financial experts.” She was also highlighted as one of the “Dynamic Women of Houston” in the Houston/Modern Luxury magazine in the October 2013 edition. Marilyn was invited to attend the Barron’s Winner’s Circle Top Women Advisors Summit annually from 2008-2013.
She was the keynote speaker at the 2013 Women's Symposium of her former broker/dealer's annual conference and spoke on several panel discussions and breakout sessions for LPL Financial from 2011-2014.

She is a nationally acclaimed speaker, best-selling Author of Real Wealth Revealed/The Secret Logic of Becoming Rich and International best-selling co-Author of Wealth Mastery for Women. She has been, for 30 years, a pioneer of women in the financial industry. Marilyn received a Bachelor of Arts in Math and Psychology from Stephens College. She is a Certified Financial Planner® currently involved with the International Coach Federation and is a Certified Corporate Consultant trained through the Academy for Coaching Excellence and a Strengths Strategy Certified Consultant.
Marilyn is an ardent student of life and what is possible for human beings. She is drawn to and passionate about charitable organizations such as The Monarch Institute (and former Board member for 6 years) and The Unstoppable Foundation, supporting children in knowing their greatness.

Marilyn was an invited attendee from 2008-2013 to Barron's Winners Circle/Top Women Advisors Conference.
Top Producer with LPL Financial since 2001-2014. In 2014, honored as one of the top 1% of all LPL Advisors.
Forbes Magazine: May 10, 2010: One of Houston's top Financial Experts
Texas Monthly Magazine: Top Service oriented Financial offices in Houston from 2008-2014, and recipient of National Five-Star Wealth Manager
Houston Luxury Magazine: October 2013: One of the Year's "Dynamic Women of Houston Award"